Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Podcasting... testing 1, 2, 3

I personally have listened to podcasts for personal leisure but I never realised I could use it within the classroom. A podcast is an audio file; listeners can subscribe to podcasts on iTunes.

I have learnt that podcasting can be a very effective tool within the classroom and there are many skills students will obtain when they use podcasting. To the left is a picture from the langwitches blog.

Some ways podcasting can be used within the classroom:
- Students can record their stories they have written.
- Students can role play being journalists for a favourite newspaper.
-Students can interview eachother about their book review.
-Students can learn by listening to fun educational podcasts.

I was looking on iTunes for a podcast or vodcast(video file) that could be used in my classroom and saw that students were interviewing eachother about their book. Students are not just doing a book report but an audio report. Students could listen to these reviews and choose their own books. Students could also use this podcast as a reminder of what questions they can ask.
(To find the podcast go into iTunes and type in the search - LES Book Discussions)

I look forward to using this pedagogy in my future classroom.



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